Be All In

For over 175 years, Beloit College has transformed lives. The Be All In Campaign is our call to support the college for the next 175 years.

I'm All In for Beloit: Are You?

Why they are all in

  • Bob DiLeonardi'81

    Bob DiLeonardi'81

    English Composition & Psychology

    Professor Tom McBride inspired me to appreciate the power of good writing. Thanks to his help I learned to write well, a skill that opened the doors to a variety of interesting opportunities over the years. I still use every day the basic writing and analysis skills I learned from Professor McBride 40 years ago.

    Read how Beloiters like Bob are All In
  • Ian Semple'61

    Ian Semple'61


    During the many years of my post-Beloit life, the teachings of Dr. Hank Woodard, “The Chief,” are always remembered not just for the geological knowledge he taught, and the excitement of the learning he imparted, but also more importantly for those aspects of living that are vital to self and those around you, namely diligence, resourcefulness, hard work, teamwork, honesty, and respect for oneself and others in the face of adversity. These are all lessons within, but also well beyond, the boundaries of geology. The Chief has always remained one of my heroes in life.

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  • Oceana Gilliam'17

    Oceana R. Gilliam'17

    Russian & Political Science

    Professor Donna Oliver supported me since my very first day at Beloit. As my Russian faculty advisor, she guided me through my Russian study abroad program, introduced me to the work of poet Alexander Pushkin, and mentored me as a Ronald E. McNair Research Scholar.

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  • Alfred Kraemer'73

    Alfred Kraemer'73

    English Literature & Philosophy

    When my father died unexpectedly during my senior year, I hurried home to be with my family. When I got there, Professor Scott Crom had already sent a telegram telling me to stay home as long as I needed and that he and Professor Chad Walsh would talk to my professors. Both men were gentle, caring people who treated students with respect and affection.

    Read how Beloiters like Alfred are All In
  • Charlie Baxter'14

    Charlie Baxter'14


    Professor Suzanne Cox had such faith in me as an individual: she wrote a strong recommendation that led to my Honors Term project even though my GPA was slightly under the 3.2 minimum required to apply. This act of grace allowed me to help establish a student leadership program at Beloit, and it launched my career in experiential learning.

    Read how Beloiters like Charlie are All In
  • Hernan Santacruz'19

    Hernan Santacruz'19

    Business Economics

    On my first day at Beloit, Professor Laura Grube made an immediate impact with the devotion and care she showed for her subject matter and for the students there to learn it. In my case, her devotion extended thousands of miles to my hometown of Quito, where her connections helped me land a summer internship at Ecuador’s largest private bank.

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  • John Murphy

    John Murphy

    My mother found herself a single mother with two children in the mid-1960s. Beloit College nurtured, trained, and gave her the confidence to be an outstanding and successful, highly respected teacher to support us! Thank you, Beloit College!

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  • G. Robert Brakenridge'75

    G. Robert Brakenridge'75


    Professors Hank Woodard, Dick Stenstrom, and John Burger taught the courses I took and led the field trips. They worked together, they had high expectations, and they helped us live up to them. Then at graduation, when I had the opportunity to thank “The Chief,” Hank told me that it was all my own doing, my own hard work. Not true, but what great words to send a new grad off with!

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  • Alfonso Colasuonno'06

    Alfonso Colasuonno'06

    Creative Writing

    DeVon Wilson’90, Lee Gray’98, Nick Ewoldt, and Phyllis Hill from Beloit’s TRIO and McNair programs inspired me to set my aspirations high in life. I could relate to them because they showed that a commitment to low-income, first-generation students like me wasn’t just “lip service,” but that they truly cared and wanted the best for me and everyone else. Throughout my entire time they set the bar high and inspired me to make my dreams a reality, while also making the most of my education and time at Beloit.

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  • David Eisenberg'77


    Jerry Gustafson and Les McAllister were amazing professors and mentors. They encouraged their students to challenge themselves in economics and to capture the full breadth of a liberal arts education. Importantly, they both also encouraged leadership and engagement with the broader community as well. I still value their lessons today. (The attached photo is from my graduation, with Dr. Gustafson standing to my right.)

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  • Judy Schroeder'81

    Judy Schroeder'81

    International Relations, Spanish

    I had Professor Nicholas Paley for one class as a Porter Scholar student in high school. We focused on a book of short stories that he made sure we understood every word of—and, if we didn’t, to expect a quick public scolding in class! He taught us the importance of truly comprehending what we were reading. I used to pop into his office when I was in WAC for classes, and he always greeted me with a smile and something nice to say.

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  • Cam Murray'80

    Cam Murray'80


    Dr. Phil Straffin’s willingness to block out an afternoon to tutor me on trigonometry allowed me to get into the chemistry program, which led to my career as a polymer chemist.

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  • Harold Mayer'64

    Harold Mayer'64


    The day a freshman English paper was due, Professor Bernie Morrissey called on me to read mine in class. But I had been so busy with Homecoming, I only had a rough draft. Instead of putting me on the spot, he invited me to his office, where he spent two hours going over what I had written. And then he accepted it late.

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  • Maddie Ipsen'17

    Maddie Ipsen'17


    Suzanne Cox and Kristin Bonnie were two of my professors in the psychology department. I don’t think I would be where I am in my career as a therapist without their guidance and support. They challenged me to improve as a student while supporting me each step of the way.

    Read how Beloiters like Maddie are All In
  • Penelope Althoff'68

    Penelope Althoff'68

    Geology & Anthropology

    Dr. Hank Woodard was an exciting, in-depth, fun professor of geology from whom I learned so much and became a PhD geologist thanks to him. I’ve enjoyed a wonderful career in geological teaching and consulting in my own business.

    Read how Beloiters like Penelope are All In

Are you All In for Beloit?

Did becoming a Beloiter change your life?

Did you find your path, your soulmate, your direction, your purpose by being a Beloiter?

Was there one professor, advisor, or alum who went out of their way to see you succeed, or engage you in a transformative conversation you remember to this day?

Do you want to see Beloit thrive?

Then we invite you to Be All In for Beloit College right now.

Why now?

Over the past few years, Beloit has taken the bold step of strengthening its financial position while facing increasing competition for students and highly qualified professors.

The College paid down most of its debt and its leadership drafted the Beloit Action Plan, aimed at making the highly individualized education that sets Beloit apart even more relevant in today’s fast-changing world.

Beloit is now offering more intense student mentoring, a powerful program connecting college to careers, and bigger financial aid packages to help students and their families keep pace with today’s cost of higher education.

Student's enjoying class outside on the Sanger Science Center courtyard.

The Be All In Campaign 

In February 2020, Beloit publicly launched its extraordinary fundraising campaign: Be All In to raise $54 million in unrestricted support over the next five years.

The response from alumni and friends, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been extraordinary, indeed.

Your gifts to the campaign allow our students opportunities that will serve them for the rest of their lives—just like your Beloit experiences have served you.

What’s Included in the Be All In Campaign? 

Beloit student outside, pointing and smiling at class mate.

With your investment, Beloit will be here another 175 years.

The changes are paying off

The college has devised a strong five-year financial plan to address the headwinds. Enrollment growth will take several years, so in the meantime, we are asking our alumni and friends to join us in building the runway on which to taxi, until our numbers and net tuition revenue bounce back. 

The great news? The plan is already working. 

  • We’ve received extensive national attention for our COVID response and success, and our happy and participatory students: we are a success story and still the same adventurous, resilient community as always
  • Our retention rates have averaged 98% in the past two years, a sign of huge student satisfaction
  • We were ranked #5 Most Innovative Colleges by USNews.
  • Giving and engagement are growing.

But there is more to be done. For Beloit to fully implement its Action Plan, it must cover existing financial gaps until enrollment and net tuition revenue fully rebound.

We want the best and brightest to have access to the experiences that only Beloit provides. Today, more than 99 percent of Beloiters receive financial aid—nearly $30 million annually. This support is provided through the generosity of the college’s alumni, parents, and friends: Beloiters supporting Beloiters.

Beloit is the oldest continuously operating private college in Wisconsin and, with your investment, we will be here for the next 175 years.

Students walking across the Powerhouse bridge. Be All In Campaign logo.

We invite you to join us with your gift for this extraordinary campaign and Be All In for Beloit College.

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